Most people will recognise acupuncture as the use of needles to alleviate pain and relax the muscles. But how does it work, is it safe, and what other benefits are commonly associated with professional acupuncture treatment in Chelmsford?

In this blog, we answer some of the most frequently asked questions that we hear, to help you decide if acupuncture is the right treatment option for you.

How does acupuncture work?

Acupuncture uses very fine stainless steel needles which are inserted into the body at very specific points to stimulate sensory nerves across the skin and muscles. The idea behind acupuncture is that this then stimulates the release of natural substances to counteract any pain or tension and to influence different functions in the body.

Derived from Chinese medicine, acupuncture is a minimally invasive treatment option which taps into the body’s stores of healing substances and is grounded in the belief that acupuncture can restore the body to its optimal balance of energy – thus reigniting its health.

Here at Faye Pattison, acupuncture is something that we recognise and recommend alongside other treatments including massage therapy and physical therapy, to ensure that the body is stimulated in a range of different ways to maximise the benefits.

Is acupuncture safe?

This is, understandably, one of the most common questions we get asked when talking about needles being inserted under the skin – however, acupuncture is remarkably safe, provided it’s conducted by a trained and regulated professional.

Because acupuncture is an alternative therapy, it does not fall under any form of statutory regulation – though there is an Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists, of which we are one.

Does it hurt?

Clients and patients will be pleased to hear that while you might feel a slight pricking on insertion of the needle, and the occasional ache or tingling during treatment, there is no real pain to speak of during the process of acupuncture.

Far from being a painful experience, most people report the positive effects of acupuncture almost immediately after treatment – with some of our existing clients heralding the alleviation of aches and pains from their heads to their toes.

What are the benefits of acupuncture?

This is where different studies and different clinicians will say different and claim different things. Here at Faye Pattison, we are always the first to say that responses to acupuncture vary, as this is a very personal treatment which differs between patients.

Using our expertise and experience to depict the ideal treatment plan and needle placement for you and your specific issues, acupuncture can help with some of the following problems:

  • Anxiety
  • Chronic pain
  • Arthritis
  • Migraines
  • Stress and depression

It can also help to aid weight loss and is an incredibly effective pain management technique – particularly when combined with other treatment options as part of an overarching package.

If acupuncture is something that you’re keen to learn more about, the team at Faye Pattison are here to advise and offer all the information you need. Get in touch with us to discuss.