Can I Have Acupuncture Treatment During Pregnancy?

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Whilst pregnancy can be an incredibly wonderful time filled with many special moments, it can also cause a wide range of aches, pains and other discomforts. Many people turn to alternative medicine to ease back pain, morning sickness and other concerns without the need for medication. Acupuncture is one of the most common treatments during pregnancy. Read on to find out if it’s safe to have acupuncture in Chelmsford whilst pregnant and what you need to be aware of.

How can acupuncture help during pregnancy?

Acupuncture is often used in pregnancy, with the treatment capable of easing a variety of ailments in expectant mothers. One of its main uses is alleviating morning sickness. Hyperemesis gravidarum (severe nausea and vomiting) occurs in 1 to 3 in every 100 pregnant women and can often require long periods of hospital treatment.

Research has shown that an acupuncture/acupressure point known as pericardium 6 or P6 can reduce nausea in pregnant women. This point is located on the inner wrist, around 5 centimetres above the wrist crease. Acupuncture can also be used to treat pain in the back, neck and pelvis as well as headaches, insomnia, stress and anxiety, indigestion, constipation and even pain during labour.

Is acupuncture safe during pregnancy?

There’s no doubt that acupuncture has many uses during pregnancy. However, you may be wondering how safe it is. The good news is that it’s generally safe to undergo this treatment whilst you’re expecting. Complications are rare and adverse reactions tend to be very mild. These might include temporary swelling where the needle is inserted, a rash, and itching.

Despite the relative safety of acupuncture during pregnancy, it is important to let your practitioner know if you’re expecting. This is so they can avoid certain acupuncture points that are not suitable during pregnancy. There are so-called “forbidden points” that acupuncturists tend to avoid when treating pregnant women. Although, there isn’t much strong evidence to suggest that stimulating them puts the mother or baby at risk.

If you’re concerned about getting acupuncture whilst pregnant, consult with your doctor before going to your first appointment. Discuss with them your health history, any pregnancy complications you may have, and any other concerns you have about receiving acupuncture.

Does trimester matter?

The trimester you’re in doesn’t matter when it comes to receiving acupuncture. Acupuncture practitioners treat people at every stage of pregnancy, including before and postpartum. Whether you’re looking for help with conception, easing morning sickness, reducing back pain or with insufficient lactation or mastitis during breastfeeding, acupuncture could be the right option for you.

Book acupuncture in Chelmsford today

If you’re pregnant and want to book an acupuncture treatment to help ease morning sickness, back pain, headaches or any other ailment, get in touch with our team today. Call us on 01245 901170, email or send us a message via our website. Our friendly team are on hand to provide expert advice and guidance on getting acupuncture during pregnancy.