How can physiotherapy help my overall health & wellbeing?

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Physiotherapy can help to improve a wide range of injuries, illnesses and disabilities, from problems affecting the bones, joints and soft tissues to conditions of the brain or nervous system such as stroke and MS. However, physiotherapy techniques can also improve your overall health and wellbeing by restoring movement and function and helping you to become more active and independent.

Restoring movement and function

Physiotherapy can help to restore movement and function that have been affected by injury, illness or disability. Problems with your joints or tissues or conditions of the brain or nervous system can impact your mobility, preventing you from being as active as you’d like. Essex physiotherapy can help you to become more mobile by building strength and confidence through various exercises designed for your specific situation. Your physiotherapist will work with you to get you moving as efficiently and safely as possible.

Treating chronic and acute pain

Physiotherapy can help to reduce chronic and acute pain in various areas of the body. Most commonly, it’s used to relieve back pain, neck pain, arm pain, shoulder pain and knee pain. A physiotherapist can identify the underlying source of your pain, allowing them to diagnose your condition, treat your symptoms and teach you ways to manage it so that it has less of an impact on your life. Since moving can a person’s perception of pain by up to 28%, it makes sense that physiotherapy can be an effective form of pain relief.

Reducing your risk of other injuries and health conditions

Physiotherapy can strengthen the joints and muscles, reducing the risk of injuries occurring during routine activities. Long periods of inactivity can make the muscles weak, leaving them prone to damage. However, by strengthening them, they can recover faster when stressed. Maintaining an active lifestyle can also protect against many other health problems, including heart attack and stroke.

Increasing your energy levels

As you become more mobile as a result of your physiotherapy sessions, the more active you’ll become. You may find that you’re able to enjoy activities that you were previously unable to such as walking, running or sport. Regular exercise makes you feel less tired in the long run, helping you to feel more energetic and alert. Even a 15-minute walk can provide an energy boost, with the benefits increasing with more frequent physical activity.

Boosting your mood

Many people assume that physiotherapy only focuses on physical rehabilitation. However, it can also improve mental well-being too, enhancing overall wellness and quality of life. By helping you to better manage your condition and reduce your pain, physiotherapy can improve your emotional health.

It goes without saying that chronic pain can have negative impacts on your mood and mental health. However, physiotherapy helps to relieve feelings of physical pain, therefore helping to alleviate feelings of sadness and stress. Physiotherapy patients often describe this pain relief as a physical and emotional burden being removed.

For Essex physiotherapy at highly competitive prices, contact Faye Pattison Physiotherapy today. Call us on 01245 901170 or email to talk to one of our friendly team.