What is the Acupuncture Treatment Process Like?

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Are you experiencing back pain, neck pain or migraines? If so, you may be considering acupuncture in Essex. Acupuncture is often used to control chronic pain successfully, with the treatment known to produce pain-relieving natural substances known as endorphins. Acupuncture is also used to treat conditions such as anxiety and depression and infertility. Read on to find out what to expect from the acupuncture treatment process.

What does acupuncture involve?

Acupuncture involves inserting very fine stainless steel needles into specific places on the body – these are known as acupuncture points. Where the needles are placed will depend on your condition and symptoms. They will usually be inserted just under the skin, although sometimes the practitioner will insert them deeper so that they reach the muscle. You’ll usually be asked to either sit or lie down and you may need to remove some of your clothes for the practitioner to access certain body parts.

Once the needles have been placed, they may be left in that position for several minutes, usually between 10 and 30 minutes, although this can vary significantly. Your first acupuncture sessions will usually last between 20 minutes to an hour and will begin with the practitioner assessing your general health and medical history as well as carrying out a full physical examination.

How does acupuncture work?

The practice of acupuncture, which originated in China around 3000 years ago, is based on the theory that an energy or “life force” called Qi flows through the body in channels known as meridians. Traditionally, it’s thought that if Qi doesn’t flow freely throughout the body, illness occurs. Acupuncture aims to restore this flow of energy, restoring good health.

In Western medicine, acupuncture is carried out to stimulate sensory nerves underneath the skin and within the muscles. This helps the body to produce endorphins, which are known to relieve pain caused by a range of conditions. Usually, a course of acupuncture is considered more effective for pain relief than a single session.

Does acupuncture hurt?

Many people are concerned that acupuncture will hurt. Although you might assume that needles being placed into your skin would be painful, it’s usually not. Whilst you might experience a dull ache or a small prick when they are inserted, significant pain is unlikely. This is because the needles are very thin. If you do experience any severe pain, make sure you tell your practitioner right away.

There are also minimal side effects of acupuncture treatment. When carried out safely by a qualified practitioner, they are usually mild and short-lived. You might experience slight pain where the needles were inserted into the skin or bleeding or bruising in these areas. Drowsiness, nausea and dizziness are also possible side effects.

To book an acupuncture session with one of our experienced practitioners, get in touch. Call us on 01245 901170, email us at info@fayepattison.com or complete the contact form on our website.