One of the lesser-known things about massage therapy is that, while the treatment itself is a primarily physical experience for the client, the benefits spread into their mental psyche – supporting an overall reset to alleviate aches, pains, and stress symptoms.

With massage therapy in Chelmsford covering specific targeted areas and broader goals in terms of relaxation and recovery, the team at Faye Pattison is versed in pairing physical support with a series of stretches and movements to follow at home to prolong the positive impact of your latest massage and to support your physical and mental wellbeing.

Here are three of the top uses of massage therapy, as offered by the Faye Pattison team.

1. Recovery

We work with lots of clients who have either picked up an injury or are feeling a bit stiff during training. In these instances, massage therapy helps to prepare and extend the muscles to support future training, while easing and working out the pain from an existing injury.

As part of our rehabilitation sessions, therapists work on both mobility and flexibility which support the repair and growth of connective tissue. This is particularly important following a sports injury.

2. Relaxation

Of course, not every client seeking massage therapy in Chelmsford comes in with a specific ache and pain that they want to treat. Many clients herald the benefits of massage as a relaxation tool, allowing them some time to rest and recuperate, while a trained therapist works at the knots and tense spots across their body.

This type of massage is versatile and can be as light or as heavy as the client prefers, working to relieve stress and help melt away the physical manifestation of anxiety. While it is not always necessary to seek this kind of massage therapy through a trained physiotherapist, the added benefits of connecting with a specialist who can provide advice on relieving other aches and potential concerns when they arise are worth noting.

3. Prevention

Finally, by manipulating the muscles and relieving tension across the body, massage therapy helps to prevent future injury and the formation of aches and pains during activity, work, or exercise.

One of the most common complaints we get from clients seeking massage therapy is a sore neck and back from prolonged periods of work, sat in a chair without proper ergonomic support. Massage therapy can help to reduce sore points and work out the tension in muscles which builds up over time – making your body lithe and more flexible. This all contributes towards both the prevention of further injury and minimising any future aches and pains.

To book a massage session at the Faye Pattison Physiotherapy clinic, don’t hesitate to get in touch today. We offer a range of different massage therapies, including deep tissue massage, sports massage, and targeted massage to help specific points of pain or stress.