Nutritional therapy means using specific foods, nutrients and living a healthy lifestyle. Nutritional therapy at Faye Pattison Physiotherapy in Chelmsford Essex is aimed at restoring the total health in the body in a totally unique way to each individuals needs.

Presently, it isn’t unusual to experience stress caused by our day-to-day lives. This stress results in sleeplessness, low energy levels, food intolerance and poor digestibility. Your overall health can be affected by specific factors like nutritional deficiency, lifestyle, and genetics. Due to poor lifestyle and nutrient deficiency, your body can sometimes be compromised. This can be manifest in the form of allergies, mood disorders, pain, hormone imbalance, weight loss or gain and other chronic diseases. Poor nutrition has proven to be the cause of some of these health complaints.

Proper diet and nutrition offer tremendous health benefits that ensure your physical and mental wellness. Proper nutrition doesn’t mean depriving yourself of food instead it means eating a diet with a balanced proportion of proteins, carbs, and fats. Proper nutrition has tremendous benefits in the body to ensure your overall well-being.

Here are some among the many benefits of proper nutrition

❤️ Heart Health

In excess, of cholesterol, fats, and sodium usually causes most heart disease. Lowering your cholesterol, fat, and sodium will decrease your chances of getting heart disease. Saturated and trans-fat especially is not a healthy option for your heart. This type of fat is found in foods like red meat, fried foods, palm oil and packaged snacks. Nutritionists in Essex concluded that to achieve and maintain a healthy heart, your diets should be rich in foods like natural fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy. This category of food should be eaten about 4-5 times daily.

🦴 Bone and Teeth Strength

Calcium is an essential nutrient to maintain strong and healthy teeth and bones. Having diets rich in calcium helps you maintain a healthy bone and teeth. Eating foods with low-fat dairies like cheese, yogurt, and milk; dark green vegies like broccoli and Pak Choi; fortified foods like fruit juice, soy and cereals are excellent sources of calcium. It is recommended for adults to take about one thousand milligrams of calcium daily.  Also, vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption. With this knowledge, it is advisable to up your vitamin D levels by taking foods fortified with vitamin D.

⬆️ Higher Energy Levels

After switching from an unhealthy to a healthy diet, you experience some benefits like a tremendous increase in your energy levels. Avoid excess sugars, refined carbs and fats as this will help maintain a stable blood sugar level. To maintain high energy levels, you need to eat foods with unprocessed carbs like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and eat a small frequent meal. As we already know, in the nutritional and general well-being perspective breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Eating a nutritious breakfast such as fruits, light sandwich, and oatmeal can help you maintain a high energy level throughout the day.

🧠 Brain Health

Now, nutrition has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease. Proper nutrition stimulates blood flow to your brain and protects your brain cells to help prevent Alzheimer’s disease. Proper nutrition for the brain eliminates fried foods, steamed and grilled foods. Ensure that you eat lots of dark fruits and vegetables like broccoli, kale, blueberries, raisins, cherries, and plums. Also, foods rich in vitamin D like walnuts, almond and other nuts as vitamin D helps to fight Alzheimer’s disease.

🍏 Weight Control

To maintain a healthy weight, you need to combine physical activity with proper nutrition. To prevent weight gain, you must not eat more calories than you burn every day. To lose weight, you need to go on a diet with fewer calories than you burn each day. Eat foods with fewer calories such as whole grains, vegetables, and fruits. Also, avoid sweets and fast foods. Losing excess weight reduces your risk of thyroid dysfunction, obesity, type 2 diabetes and clogged arteries.

When you put all the benefits of proper nutrition into consideration, you will start to realise that healthy eating ensures a better lifestyle. Everyone can enjoy the benefits of proper nutrition once they change their eating habits, cutting down foods high in fat and replace them with whole grain, fruits, and vegetables. With this, you will begin to experience the numerous benefits of proper nutrition.

If you’re looking for help with your nutrition, contact us on 01245 690520 or send us a message to chat with the expert!